Sunday, September 27, 2009

Door Bell

Ever wished for an amazing alarm cum door bell...the one that do not need to be fixed, logged-in, keyed-in, programmed and etc.....

Well, we have one and it is not a gadget but AL-E. Plus, he comes without any battery that needs fixing or charging...

You see, we do not have a door bell (for our home in Borneo). AL-E does the job pretty well. His bark announces whether it is a cat/dog, guest or ghost/spirit. By the way, AL-E's bark varies between a human, animal and things from other dimension (if any - though I have yet to meet one and have no plans or wish whatsoever to bump into one).

This morning we both decided to sleep a little longer... Out of the blue AL-E (who also sleeps in our room jumped out of his basket and was really uneasy. He came to my side of the bed and gave me an early wake-up call (all slobbery with his wet kisses)...Wait a minute, that is not how it should be, normally he never forces or wakes me unless something is really amiss or someone is at the door. So I had to force myself up, go check the whole house including the balcony etc. etc. Well, nobody and nothing was out to greet me. Thus, I fixed AL-E's breakie and went back to sleep.

Guess what, loud on-going what...well, lo and behold my housekeeper was at the front door (Note: I was wide awake and did not hear the van dropping her off...).

Oh well, I had actually arranged for a housekeeper next Sunday and not today but I must say that our boy is the real hero and have my utmost respect. From now on, whenever he wakes me up out of the blue, I am sure to wake up, you may never know what or who is at the front door.

Al-E is constantly a loyal companion who provides unconditional love ... now to add to his abilities, he is also door bell and alarm - what more could we have asked for?

Monday, September 7, 2009

YB AL-E injured

We left our boy for an hour yesterday morning and guess what happened when we got home?

AL-E injured a small spot on his paw. There were spots of blood all over the floor. All due to constant scratching of the wood divider...

After a frantic call to the vet and instructions given, AL-E's well and jumping like a monkey ...

I wonder where does he get all energy. It's like the bunny advertisement for Duracell battery (can go on for hours and days without any glitch!)..I wish I have at least half of AL-E's super-duper energy...