Monday, September 7, 2009

YB AL-E injured

We left our boy for an hour yesterday morning and guess what happened when we got home?

AL-E injured a small spot on his paw. There were spots of blood all over the floor. All due to constant scratching of the wood divider...

After a frantic call to the vet and instructions given, AL-E's well and jumping like a monkey ...

I wonder where does he get all energy. It's like the bunny advertisement for Duracell battery (can go on for hours and days without any glitch!)..I wish I have at least half of AL-E's super-duper energy...


Nilesh Timbadia said...

As usual our little Energizer bunny, it goes on and on and on but when injured will be drama king like his grandma.

Unknown said...

AL-E, Get well soon!!

Ser said...

AL-E is already healed. Thanks.