Friday, July 31, 2009

So sorry lah

Dear mommy,

I am so sorry to have created a mess during your 2 hours Starbucks break...I miss you lah so I decided to chew some newspapers.....Sometimes nice to chew on newspaper (like you chew some gum)...

But I know you hate it but I can't help it lah...Forgive me ya. I love you so much.

AL-E Baba


Ser said...

Apologies accepted....

Nilesh Timbadia said...

Apologies.... neverending story.... :P

Muy said...

Haha the Ripper. I now can relate to you and Al E's behavior. Just got puppy myself last week and it really drives me crazy already. Lots of things to do for this little one. :-) Next time i will know who to look for in terms of puppy equipment (you guys seem to be the most equipped hehe)