Saturday, November 1, 2008

Conversations with THE Dog

Sarah just started a Cocker Spaniel fan club in Facebook and I decided that it would be cool if Al-E was part of the club. So I had to create a Gmail account for Al-E in order to create a Facebook account.

So, now Al-E is on Facebook at

Of course, I could not resist an email from Al-E to us, so, here it is with my reply.

Subject: Hi Mom and Dad

From: Al-E Baba
Date: Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 11:39 PM

Hi Mummy and Daddy,

This is Al-E, I am doing fine here. Had some food poisoning with all the rattan that I have been eating and had a big throw up yesterday but I am in good spirits nevertheless.

Furthermore, this things that keep popping out of my mouth, bloody white hard stuff... what do you call them? Teeth I think. I am in great pain because of this. So, my sincere apologies if I hurt you sometimes by ending up in chewing your arm, please forgive me.

Apart from that, life here is great, the beach is nice but it has been bloody hot and raining cats lately, only thing I can't catch these cats.

I've had some skin problems due to the heat and humidity.

On top of that, do you remember this girl I like, that bitch gave me ticks. She is a no good arrogant bitch.

I am dreaming that you are here and I am writing to you this amazing letter, it is like daddy is in my head and typing out this email ... or is it a dream.

Oh well, I hope you are both well. I love you so much but I am going back to my nice slumber sleep and will dream of you.


Woof Woof.


Ser said...

If only AL-E could write all these stuff by himself......

Al E said...

Hi Mommy, I can write. When I go to sleep, I tell all of my thoughts to daddy and he types my words. I really love it that you have a blog dedicated to me. I love you so much and always miss you when you go away.

Ser said...

I love you too AL-E. Mommy misses you too (terribly) when we are apart. Love you to bits.